Our Vision
Vision Statement
Rotherham Virtual School will work together, with all partners, to ensure we are the team of champions our young people deserve.
Providing support and encouragement to all our young people so that they:
•experience stability and feel safe, cared for, valued, supported and trusted as part of our wider Rotherham Family
•are confident, have a strong sense of identity and are empowered to be independent to enjoy learning and have fun
•achieve well both academically and socially and reach their full potential
Above all we want our young people to be proud of who they are, who they are becoming and to own their story.
Our priorities:
1) Outcomes: To raise attainment and accelerate progress across all key stages
2) Promoting Emotional Health and Well-being: To remove barriers and promote positive emotional health and well-being
3) Improving Stability: Improve attendance, reduce persistent absence, exclusion and reduce the number of school moves
4) Developing Leadership: To ensure inspirational and strong leadership and governance throughout the Virtual School